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Old 10-12-2015, 11:47 AM   #6054 (permalink)
cooler commie than elph
Isbjørn's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: In a hole, help
Posts: 2,811

1. If you could force everyone in the world to do one thing, what would you make them do?
Put down their guns and hug each other.

2. If you committed a crime, and were given the choice of which country to be tried and/or imprisoned in, which would you choose?
Norway. Google "Norwegian prison"

3. What's the longest you've gone without sleeping?
Not long. I've had sleepless nights, but I always get some sleep the night after.

4. Have you ever had any memorable dreams, or nightmares?
Nah, man. Rarely even remember my dreams. I've heard that everybody dreams every night, but I don't know if I believe that.

5. It's Saturday night, everyone you know is busy, and a ridiculous movie just came on the television. Suddenly, a genie appears, and offers to give you three different foods/drinks. What are your choices?
A salmon sandwich, a can of Sumol and some chocolate mousse for dessert.

6. What are your favorite and least favorite fashion trends throughout history?
Ripped jeans are neat (when done right - skinny, black, ripped jeans look awful), and combat boots go with almost everything. What I hate is yoga pants. Especially when worn with clothes that obviously aren't going to be used for exercise. Yoga pants with a denim jacket? Shudder.
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