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Old 10-14-2015, 09:02 AM   #2911 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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When I see an album by one of the original members of Sabbath (Ozzy excepted) I really have got to check it out, don't I? So our second album from April features legendary drummer

Accountable Beasts --- Bill Ward --- 2015 (Independent)

Introduction: Surely nobody needs to be told who Bill Ward is? I was unaware though that the Black Sabbath drummer had any solo material, but this is apparently his third album, all under his own name. Anyone famous playing with him? Any guests? Um, no. And no vocalist either. But two drummers. So, an instrumental album then, and his first in eighteen years.

Ah. But not available unless I want to buy it. Which I don't. Not on Spotify, not on Google Play Music, not even on YouTube. Guess we won't be checking out Bill's new album anytime soon. Who's next then? Let's see...

Okay, okay, yeah. I checked these guys out on I think the original Metal Month in 2013 and I believe I was impressed. I think someone like Mondo, bob or Frownland is into them, also Ninetales, as they were in his top ten just a few days ago. This is their tenth album and the titles are going to give me a real challenge, but let's see first of all if it's available before I go into any spiel about it. Okay, good. It is.

A Furrow Cut Short --- Drudkh --- 2015 (Season of Mist)

Introduction: I believe the album I listened to at the time was Blood In Our Wells and as I say I have a recollection of enjoying it, notwithstanding the twin facts that the band are Black Metal and that they sing in their native Ukrainain. Was that a fluke? Will I hate this? Only one way to find out...

1. Прокляті сини I (Cursed Souls I) : Powerful guitars, guttural vocals of course but there seems to be a lot of passion here. I'm very slowly learning to appreciate Black Metal for what it is, and not just dismiss it. This is quite melodic for that genre.
2. Прокляті сини II (Cursed Souls II): The power and energy in this music just overrides the fact that you can't even make out the lyrics, even if you wanted to, due to both them being sung in a death vocal voice and in Ukranian.
3. Епосі нескорених поетів (To the epoch of unbowed poets): Very dramatic feel to this, faster than the first two tracks and elements of speed metal leaking in. I'll say one thing: these guys can really play guitar but with three (yes three) of them playing keys, I honestly don't hear it. Not yet anyway. Fucking incredible stuff even so. Love this.
4. Тліючий попіл (Embers): Got a slightly more laidback thing going on on the guitar here, at least at the beginning. Then it kicks up of course (whoever heard of a ballad on a Black Metal album??) but it's just continuing the goodness I'm getting from this album. Still not hearing any keyboards though. Okay, that could be them at the end. Hard to know really. Hey, this fades!
5. Безчестя I (Dishonour I): A really powerful track with some surprisingly introspective moments.
6. Безчестя II (Dishonour II): Slower, more dramatic, really effective. Some excellent guitar work here, but again I hear little or no keys. How can there be three guys who play keys and I can't hear even one?
7. Поки не засиплють чужою землею очі (Till foreign ground shall cover eyes): Faster, more frenetic. Great overall melody on this track. Tremendous guitar outro.

Conclusion: Whether I'm getting more used to Black Metal, relaxing more in my older age, or it's just that I like Drudkh, I love this album. Even the ragged singing couldn't put me off, nor the fact that I could understand nothing of the lyrics. Just a brilliant album.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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