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Old 10-15-2015, 11:49 PM   #38 (permalink)
The Batlord
Zum Henker Defätist!!
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Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody View Post
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Slayer - Reign in Blood
Megadeth - Peace Sells
Three albums from a very short period of time when a single metal genre was commercially viable, at a time when gateway bands like Motley Crue and Iron Maiden were also popular enough to allow bands which would have otherwise been ignored to have some kind of success.

That time period ended with grunge, and barring another brief moment when people thought death metal was a novel concept, there hasn't been a time since when the public cared about any metal worth caring about.

All three classic metal albums that people still talk about to this day, and most likely will for decades to come.
People who don't care about metal do not talk about these albums because they are thirty-years-old. People who do talk about Bonded by Blood, Pleasure to Kill, and Speak English or Die about as much.

Discharge - Hear nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing
The Exploited- Troops of Tomorrow
G.B.H. - City Baby Attacked by Rats

All three classic British hardcore punk albums that influenced the above, on small indie labels, all pretty much forgotten relics of the past with poor production quality.
I have a tiger-deterring rock. The proof is that there are no tigers in my general vicinity.

If you want metal to be the former than it has to garner enough interest by the major record companies to take a risk. Those bands get the funding and support to make a good record.

If you want the latter than go for the democratization of music, and you can watch metal die as a niche market for $hitty pagan metal bands over in Europe.

I have different expectations for metal than I do punk. Punk is dead and I really couldn't give a f)ck!. Metal on the other hand (until black metal) always demanded quality musicianship.

I don't want metal to be regulated to some backwater musical genre for fans of gore movies. I want it to rule the fu(kin world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Metal has always been a niche market because there are only so many people willing to listen to it. If there are brief periods where it pokes its head above ground, they are just that. Brief. There's a reason why Slayer is the only band you first mentioned who don't have a platinum album: because there are far fewer people who are willing to listen to Reign in Blood, and yet it is respected just as much, if not more than Peace Sells and Master of Puppets.

I do not want metal on major labels if it means my favorite bands have to release **** records like The Black Album instead of awesome records like Reign in Blood. The nature of underground metal means that it can only be so "true to its roots" before it has to "shape up or ship out" in order to sell, and if you think that "educating" the public on how to listen to metal with watered down crap is going to bring them over to our way of thinking for longer than six months then you're kidding yourself.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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