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Old 11-04-2015, 09:31 AM   #72 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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most likley it doesn't really matter... since most likely he's going to lose. so he's being smart by trying to get in good with hillary, because she's probably going to win.

problem for the hillary team is, they can pretend the email thing is no big deal during the primaries all they like, but the republicans aren't going to keep up that narrative during the general election.

and it does matter how true the accusations are... but it also matters how true they seem or how credible they seem. and when there is an actual criminal investigation, yea it looks pretty terrible.

for anyone who thinks it shouldn't matter and they should stick to the issues... i hope you never say a word about trump's bankruptcies... otherwise you are quite simply a hypocrite.
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