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Old 11-10-2015, 01:13 PM   #58 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
I have and I live in one of the biggest and most multicultural cities in the world and ever since I've been a kid it's always been the same, and I see no reason to change it and its nice to watch things evolve.
which city is that?

This sounds like you're working with a small town mentality here. To be honest society has often worked this way historically, regardless of whether the newbies originally came in peace or as conquerors and it usually ends up with the newbies eventually being absorbed into the greater culture of the original one.
no.. i'm from south florida. i grew up in a multicultural society. one where haitians, jamacans, cubans, puerto ricans, mexican, guatemalans, black americans, white americans all existed in close proximity. the result? you get neighborhoods which are haitian, neighborhoods which are mexican, neighborhoods which are black, etc.

keep in mind all of these people come from relatively similar cultures in comparison to europe vs asia or north africa... and even so there is ethnic tension. guatemalans were often targeted by black gangsters for robberies and were generally looked down upon. black american gangs and haitian gangs would shoot eachother up despite both being black. mexicans and puerto ricans and cubans etc similarly didn't always get along with eachother.

yet i'd say it's just about workable... the situation they have down there, if they do some reforms on poverty and education etc. this is without dealing with people who come from a completely alien cultures such as the islamic world.

Just the type of rhetoric that a nationalist would come out with.
worthless dismissal with no substance. provide some historical precedents, then.

They already do in the legislature, but if the country is a democracy it has to allow the newcomers a certain amount of cultural liberty, because if not the country is not operating as its own legislation suggests it should do.
yea... but if the culture in question is incompatible with that of the host country then they shouldn't be importing that culture in the first place.

Have you ever been to Europe, out of America or even out of your state? because based on what your saying, it looks like you've just watched a few news reports and read a few newspapers concerning the life and times of immigrants in Europe.
no, i haven't been to europe. i've been up and down the east coast of the united stated. i've talked to quite a few people from your country who share this point of view, and i try to keep up on international affairs. i assume you similarly have opinions about american politics.

Firstly, who the **** wants to go and live in a desert and secondly loads of westerners do because they're paid well to go and work there. The non-democratic laws as you well know restrict them their freedom so they have no real desire to stay there longer than they have to.

You can't use your above argument about importing massive amounts of westerners eastwards as it's not really plausible and there is no real historical evidence either for this type of experiment. The nearest you can use for this type of experiment would be the Ottoman Empire and how it treated non-muslims within its western borders.
it's a hypothetical situation... basically an analogy. failing to entertain the hypothetical is a sign of a lack of intelligence.
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