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Old 11-11-2015, 08:44 AM   #82 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
There really isn't much point in trying to debate anything with JWB as those YouTube videos finally prove, if you're going to use YouTube vids made by self interest people, you're hardly going to present an objective and realistic scenario to the topic that is being discussed.

JWB seems to have a real issue with immigration which of course is his opinion which he's entitled to, but he seems to know absolutely nothing about how it actually works in Europe and ends up just flaming threads. The guy's never been to Europe and just watches the news and videos, and also says he speaks to certain people which is all pretty vague anyway.

It's a bit like me after watching the news about America, hijacking one of these gun related threads in America here and stating that America is full of gun crime, shopping mall and school murders, snipers picking off victims and serial killers roaming the land etc and if I or somebody from outside of America said that, it would be sure to flame the thread.
blah blah blah

you just want a monopoly on "what it's like in europe" cause you live there

but you are just as self interested as the people who made those videos, so why the hell should i believe you over them?

btw you brits do comment on american gun crime and american issues all the time... who the **** are you kidding?

you think you know more about the ethnic gangs in the town i am from than i do, even though you've likely never even heard of them before. you're just a simple hypocrite, my friend.

the fact is you want to argue from a position of authority because you lack the ability to actually back up your arguments. so you'd rather just state "immigration isn't a big deal" as fact and have nobody question it cause you're the authority on "what it's like in europe."

but there are some things which are simply a matter of fact, which can't be dismissed as media bias. such as the extremely high violent crime rate in london. yet you want to wave your arms and dismiss it with "well i haven't had anyone take a shot at me." well, as long as it hasn't affected you personally then i guess it doesn't matter, does it you silly twat?

Last edited by John Wilkes Booth; 11-11-2015 at 08:57 AM.
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