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Old 11-25-2015, 11:34 PM   #342 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Lol that's exactly what that they are. Or at least Blink 182 if they thought they were a band with integrity.

That's what I love about the few RAC and NSBM bands who don't suck that I can find. They've got some hatred in their veins that some wannabe punk punk or satanist black metal wannabe band could never fake.
Lol, I was looking for a NSBM video for you that featured a Nazi sniper as a hero for killing people trying to escape a concentration camp, but it probably got pulled from youtube. Liberal bastards lol!

Sigh....yes its morbid and tasteless. (but I have no moral compass when it comes to music)

I got agree with you on racist bands though, that kill Whitey song is some twisted rage straight from the heart.

In a bizzare way these bands do have a lot of integrity. Think about it...

if your talented ,and you decide to become a raging xenophobic white supremacist band, or a black nationalist kill whitey act, or Chinese, Hindi, martian or whatever stripe of racist your never going to get signed to a major, or a big independent!

Now that is some hard ass integrity my brother, you are truly down with the cause!

Anyways were are we...O Naughty By Nature - O.P.P.

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