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Old 12-06-2015, 02:08 AM   #47 (permalink)
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Interesting her is my mine in no particular order.

Metallica Kill em All: The first thrash metal album I ever heard, and it is still my favourite today. I remember being 14 and thinking I was so hardcore listening to stuff like Raw Power and G.B.H. and than a long comes our rocker friend, and he puts in Kill em all into the cassette deck to make a point. Point made! After that I remember Kill em All would get played a lot at skate parks. Along with Reign in Blood it was a favourite amongst skaters because it was so fast.

I love it today because its straight forward thrash packed with catchy riffs with simple time signatures, none of this fancy technical progressive thrash metal bs, just good raw fun.

Metallica Ride the Lighting: I don't like it as much as Kill em All, partially because its more of a traditional metal album with the acoustic ballads and a darker tone, but nevertheless it contains my all time favourite Metallica song with For Whom The Bell Tolls

Metallica Master of Puppets: Obviously a pure metal masterpiece, like you though, I don't enjoy it as much as the first two, just because it's a bit to long and epicy for me.

Megadeth Peace Sells Whose Buying: The controversy of Megadeth's best album always comes down to Peace Sells and Rust in Peace, and although Rust seems to solidified the spot these days, I'll just say Prog metal sucks; I prefer something with catchy riffs.

Slayer Reign in Blood: I am often critical of Slayer on this forum, as I often think they relied too much on one dimensional break necking speed, which is probably why neither Angel of Death or Reigning Blood is my favourite song off the album, but rather Jesus Saves, a track that takes the time to build up. All that being said, the album is another metal masterpiece.

S.O.D. - Speak English or Die Anthrax had a few good tracks in their later years, but Speak English or Die is a better album than anything they ever did, the perfect blend of punk and metal, which is why I'm willing to overlook that fat bigot Billy Milano on the grounds he's way better vocalist than the girlie squeals of Joey Belladonna.

Annihilator - Alice in Hell Canada has a bigger reputation in the way of punk &goth with bands like D.O.A., Skinny Puppy, Front Line Assembly, Propaghandi, No Means No ect, but we have had our metal moments and Annihilators Alice in Hell is one of much better than that prog metal embarrassment to my nation called Voivod.

DEATH ANGEL - Frolic Through The Park It's a shame that a tour bus accident essentially ended their careers, as I thought they were one of the best outside of the big 4, and I'm Bored still remains one of my all time favourite thrash metal songs.

Suicidal Tendencies - Lights Camera Revolution. Hands down the best crossover thrash band of all time, they mop the floor with D.R.I., and Rocky George was a wicked guitarist.

Toxic Holocaust - An Overdose of Death Of all the thrash revival bands I thought Toxic Holocaust was the best, this album is just pure fun.

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