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Old 12-07-2015, 10:53 PM   #5999 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mr. Charlie View Post
Do you live in the EU? If you do and you want some free shrooms, drop me a PM with your address, I'll send you a load.

Peyote's nice and very similar to mushrooms. It's very strong, but very clean too, so you're less likely to feel sick than with shrooms - but it takes you to a similar place and makes you feel similarly. It's warm and hazy, full of meaning, and absolutely incredible if taken in nature.

I've only done salvia once, I smoked it, but I didn't enjoy it. It felt like a mushrooms trip but without the wonder, without the open mindedness, without the joy. I felt really trippy but I didn't feel good, indeed it was a little scary. Apparently this is a common reaction and is due to salvia not triggering seretonin release like acid or shrooms do. Can't recommend it but, again, I've only done it once.

DMT is something else entirely. Not for the faint hearted. I've done it 3 times. Smoked each time. You need a sitter with DMT. Someone to catch you when you collapse. Someone to watch over you. It only lasts around 10 minutes. But feels like an eternity of disbelief. I'm a seasoned tripper, but DMT scares me to death. It's insane. You will meet other beings on DMT. Beings that seem too amazing to be your imaginaion. But it is very, very scary and very unsettling.

On acid, shrooms, mesculine, etc. you might see the moon melt into the sky, or watch your friends nose morph into a beak, or the carpet ripple and flow, but you at least still recognise the objects. On DMT you recognise nothing. It's utterly alien. Nothing is familiar. Even colours look different, shinier somehow and more sparkly. And even the edges of things look sharper, like you're suddenly seeing in a higher definition than normal. It's a strange drug. Can't really recommend it. Too weird for my liking.

I believe drinking ayahuasca (the tea made bark) is a much gentler trip compared to smoking DMT, but where as a DMT trip lasts 10 minutes, an ayahuasca trip supposedly lasts 8 hours and invariably involves vomitting. I'd love to try it as I think it would be easier to deal with DMT land if you got there slowly rather than being in your sitting room one moment, then shot into space the next. It's too much too quickly for the brain to deal with.
Ah thank you Mr. Charlie, you truly are a Master Shaman, unfortunately I live in Canada not the EU, and due to my career in the public service, probably not a good idea for me to get mushrooms delivered in the mail lol.

DMT: I can buy the bark at some local "herbal" shops in downtown Vancouver, but I think I'm going to take a pass for now. As a fence sitting agnostic, I might want to feel that the peaceful white light is my journey into an afterlife as opposed to a DMT trip if my consciousness is going to be snuffed out of existence....I have some faith in an afterlife though.

Salvia: A bad trip for you to. I know so many people that have tried it, and everyone has moments of fear, panic or dread on it. Makes you wonder why its popular at all.

Peyote: Okay this sounds like my trip. Not to heavy like DMT, and a nice trip in comparison to Salvia. And if it's like mushrooms I'll have the comfort of familiarity on it.

If you know anymore non chemical psychedelics that are worth the while, please send me your recommendations, thanks.
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