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Old 01-03-2006, 12:37 PM   #89 (permalink)
that's my war face.
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Originally Posted by Expletive Deleted
Music isn't getting worse, people are just getting lazier. People always complain about how MTV and the rest are forcing shitty bands and artists down their throat and ruining music, but you know what? Fuck that. No one's forcing you to do anything, get off your lazy ass and look for NEW (happy, Kashmir?) music you enjoy, because the radio sure as hell isn't going to give it to you.

Oh, and as much as some people would hate to admit it, most "Classic Rock" sucks just as much as music today.
Absolutely right. MTV is the most listened to Music Channel, so they must be doing something right. Even if you do not like what they play, you are not limited to that. There are plenty more good artists just begging to be found. And someone must like MTV because they sure as hell have a large empire not, what with MTV2, MTVBase and everything. Those who say that MTV should be stopped because it is ruining music should walk home in shame, because MTV plays songs that MTV plays. You can't change it, and there are many people who love MTV. I'm not one of those people, but I don't go on about how MTV is ruining music. It is simply giving MTV fans the music that they want. Those that aren't content with listening to the music MTV offers should just search the Net, like Urb said.
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