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Old 12-15-2015, 12:29 PM   #43 (permalink)
The Identity Matrix
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Quick Update and Top 5 Most Overrated Bands

So this past week there has been nothing I really have enjoyed enough to review. I was planning on reviewing YorkeDaddy's new album but I feel like I need to give it a few more listens before I can properly review the album. Thus I have no review to put up today. However I thought I would post something on here related to music. This journal is supposed to be used for current releases, projects, artist spotlights, and random articles. So today I will do something different than what was planned. In the event I do not have a recent release review available I will post a top 5 or 10 of sorts.

Today will be the Top 5 most overrated bands in my opinion.

5. Radiohead: First and foremost I have no problems with this band. I love all of their albums, with the exception of King of Limbs, and I get the messages they are trying to convey. What I do not like is the absolute God-like status that this band achieves. I personally find their music to be really good, but better than all of the other bands in existence, uh no. This is a case where the fans and the media have created an image for the band that they do not particularly want to convey. It seems to me that the band is almost being forced into being icons of art and music when they really are not deserving of it. This is not the band's fault however which is why they hit number 5 on this list.

4. Arcade Fire: This is a case where I do not like their music, but every single human being around me does. I guess its just the case of me not getting it. Maybe I am too simple minded to understand this band. I mean the band is loved by all so should't I blindly follow the love for them? I gave Arcade Fire a chance. Multiple times have I given them a chance. But we do not connect at all. Based on that I find that they are extremely overrated and lack a lot of the artistic prowess that so many others seem to see in them.

3. Green Day: SNORE... Pop punk is not something I tend to enjoy a lot of. I used to listen to it a ton with a couple of my friends but we all quickly grew out of it. Green Day is basically the formula that all bands follow. But they are not some revolutionary army coming to throw the music industry upside down. Punk already had its mainstream appeal thus it wasn't hard for Green Day to bring it back with a much more simpler version of the message. The idea of a concept album/rock opera is also not new. Yet because the majority of Kids during he early 2000's have never heard Tommy they immediately think that Green Day are geniuses and revolutionary. I just do not see it that way.

2. Kiss: I really do not want to say a lot about this band simply because I just straight up don't like them. They have a few good hits but not a single complete album that is good. Yet everywhere you go its Kiss this and Kiss that. Hell, Gene Simmons says rock is dead. Well its because of bands like his over commercializing it. Makes me sick just thinking about them.

1. Nirvana: Yes I live in the Seattle are so I know a that these guys were popular. I guess this really is just my opinion but Nirvana does not have a great album. In Utero is better than Nevermind and In Utero is good at best. I simply think it was once again the over commercializing of rock music that killed grunge and set the world on fire when post-grunge became a thing. These guys didn't do it for me thus their position on my list is number 1.
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"I'm not a prophet or a stone aged man, just a mortal with potential of a superman. I'm living on." - David Bowie

Originally Posted by grindy View Post
Just don't piss in his mouth or shove stuff in his dick. He tends to frown upon that.
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