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Old 12-15-2015, 06:50 PM   #1 (permalink)
Hip-Hop Homework
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 99
Default What's your music main squeeze...obligatory side pieces allowed!

I'm Hip-Hop Homework--nice to meet y'all's acquaintance!!

Soooo, everybody has a preferred genre of your go-to or the genre that comprises the bulk of your collection because it just happens to be your favorite (generally). This is what you call your music main squeeze.

Then you have all your mistresses, lovers, side chicks, etc.

For me--my main squeeze is hip-hop, but I've been cheating on her a lot with hard rock and lotsa EDM (mostly dubstep) but some bubblegum poppy stuff too.

For example...I've been listening to a lotta Papoose but had Flosstradamus' "Total Recall" (samples Dutch Master's "Recalled To Life") and Sia's "Elastic Heart" in heavy, HEAVY rotation lately.

Today I discovered Margaux - Eyes On You (find the version that has no vocals and is basically like a 4-minute fleshing out of the introductory riff section of the official song. IT'S NASTY! It's Punk Rock...

I'ma music lover period tho. I can enjoy music from ANY genre, except caustic stuff with no melody (think die antwoord) but if there's melody and rhythm to it, there's a chance I could like something from it.

So with all that out of the way, long story short:

Hip-Hop's my main squeeze and my regular mistresses are various Rock pieces, lotsa EDM, and the occasional pop-tart song.

What are y'all's? Feel free to list any recommendations for others. I'll check back for anything I don't recognize from my favorite genres.
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