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Old 12-22-2015, 09:17 PM   #67 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nameless View Post
I'll tl;dr that article for you.

Also because immigrants to the US in many cases get delicious tax breaks. Why do you think so many people from India buy a gas station, run it for a few years, then when they stop getting tax breaks sign it over to their cousin and do something else? They cut costs harder than Walmart then cash out quick.

This is very true, while Canadian immigrants are quite well off, I've met a ton of Punjabi/Indian immigrants who would love to get into the United States because the opportunity to move up the ladder is far easier. (In their words)

Imagine your a doctor or engineer from Algeria whose immigrated to France and you find yourself cleaning toilets or driving cabs because you have to take a gazillion credentials before you can practice your trade.

You then decide to start your own business but you can't expand because of all the socialist red tape, so your stuck with one little smoke shop that hardly pays the bills.

I probably shouldn't have blasted Hollande as bad as I did, but France has a serious problem with economic liberalization.

Their right wing party is to left of our liberal party in Canada on economics. To the left! They make the Democrats look like Ronald Reagan!

Canada has a better life expectancy rate than France, so I big of a welfare state does France need?
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