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Old 01-06-2016, 03:36 PM   #13 (permalink)
JGuy Grungeman
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Join Date: Apr 2014
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All in all, they know how to play an instrument well, and they know how to write a stand-out song, and not just filler. They've got to show they can do something a little different instead of generic. And if they are generic, they're still talented if they still sound really good. Like Kiss. Talented, generic. That's my def, anyway. Basically, prove that you stand out more. Because musicians that don't stand out in anyway generally aren't something to write home about. Not to say its about popularity. It's the music itself that needs to stand out, not the connection to the media.

Oh, yeah, another form of talent is to immitate someone perfectly while still letting people know its you. A good example is this band called Milk Duct Tape. You can tell its them, but one song from their debut EP sounds exactly like a Stones song. That takes talent.
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