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Old 01-21-2016, 11:24 AM   #9 (permalink)
Because I Am, I Can!
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Heard way worse 'comeback albums' from other bands. Also heard a lot better. Album for me had some enjoyable songs, If The World being my favorite and showcased that Axl could still use his voice in a powerful way.

But I'll let people keep talking about how a band isn't relevant anymore but somehow manages to pull in huge revenue with touring once in a blue moon. If people didn't care. Nobody would show up to the shows. It may have took Chinese Democracy a few good years to do it, but it's still a platinum selling record. So stick that in your know it all blow holes and spin on it.

The way people look at a bands relevance in the world here on the forum is just odd. Does anyone even know what it means and how to apply it to a band, or anything??? You don't think they have importance so you file them away in irrelevance? Doesn't make sense. Want an example of a proper way to apply irrelevance to a band? Poison. A huge band for a period in the 80's fizzled out in the 90's, then died slowly in the 2000's with spurts of success here and there before people stopped caring enough to keep them around. That didn't happen with GNR, in whatever incarnation Axl Rose resurfaced the band in. You just can't say a band isn't relevant anymore until the demand for them to tour or make any music it all is just plain and simple, gone. The figure of money thrown and Axl and Slash for this somewhat of a classic GNR reunion is ridiculously huge. Irrelevance does not bring forth a check like that folks. That is one hundred percent relevance right there.
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