Music Banter - View Single Post - Release That Song You Have Stuck In Your Head
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Old 03-11-2016, 09:22 AM   #121 (permalink)
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I just dug up this thread only to find out it's locked for a reason I don't agree with. So, let's reopen it! My only hope is that people actually mention something along with whatever song/video they post - why it's stuck in their head, do they like it or not, etc. to really differentiate from the thread Urban thought it was too similar to. To me, these are far different topics.


That said, I bring you Peter Cetera's "Glory of Love". A friend recently compiled a list of songs that he liked at the age of nine when he moved from Paris back to the US. This is a unique time because a) it's a huge cultural move, and b) it's a time that I personally started become more aware of music and actually liking songs. It prompted me to make my own list, as I moved from Belgium to the US at the age of 9, and there are songs to this day that have stuck in my mind that I associate with that time. Good or bad, the songs are part of me. This is one of the songs I added to my playlist, but that's not necessarily why it's stuck in my head. I've been trying to get into some sort of workout routine for the last few years but nothing sticks due to my ADD and depression. I ran across a quote recently (and I hate inspirational graphics and such) but it stuck with me. I don't remember exactly what the quote was, but the end result was that I needed to tell myself that I was such and such kind of person to help affect change. The statement I keep telling myself is that "I am a person that exercises." If I hold on to this mindset it should be easier to just do it and not keep making excuses. Because I am a man that exercises, and men that exercise go and exercise.

I think you can see where this is going. Every day when I get out of bed and start to think about getting ready for work and whether I have time to go for a jog, or if it's dry enough to do so, this quote comes to mind. I am a man...who will fight for your honor...GOD DAMMIT! I can't get it out. It's every damn day now.

Please help me.

__________________ | my collection on RYM | vinyl instagram @allthatyouseeandhear
I'd love to see your signature/links too, but the huge and obnoxious ones have caused me to block all signatures.
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