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Old 04-03-2016, 11:02 AM   #6116 (permalink)
Still sends his reguards.
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Trying to get out of the cat town....
Posts: 5,039

1. Are there any genres that you have tried to get into on various occasions, but just can't for whatever reason?

Bluegrass....not that i dislike it necessarily.....i just have zero interest in looking into it

2. You decide to go see a live show, and you have the option of seeing one of two bands that are playing that night. The first is exceptionally skilled at playing their instruments, but have very little showmanship and style. The second group is not as skilled as the first, but is known for crazy and visually exciting performances. Which would you go see?

there are so many variables for me with this questions....i do go see bands live because i want to experience the music in person and honestly care very little about the "show" itself.....i'd say 95% of the bands i have seen live simple perform with little to no "effects" also comes down to whether or not i've seen them before....

fuck it....i'll go with band 1....i'm there to experience the music live with like minded people....not simply for theatrics

3. Have you ever choked during an important moment before?

of course

4. Do you have a favorite and least favorite music video?

i really don't have either

5. Is there anything that you wished more MB members were into?

Paul Bowles and Louis-Ferdinand CĂ©line

6. One day, you happen to run into a clone of yourself. After the two of you cautiously circle each other, you put aside your fears and come to the realization that a choice must be made... Fight or ****?

There can be only one
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