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Old 04-15-2016, 10:26 AM   #49 (permalink)
JGuy Grungeman
Primo Celebate Sexiness
Join Date: Apr 2014
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Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing by Discharge
Style: D-Beat, Crust Punk'
Release: 1982
Length: 27 min.
Round: Crust Punk

Let me get this straight: Extreme metal is a very iffy style for me. Thrash is about as extreme as I can handle. Death metal and black metal give me serious headaches. This album is as extreme as I can handle. Even now I have a tiny headache typing this. I would probably try black metal if I wasn't so morally opposed to the pagan and satanic imagery that it's known for. As far as this album goes, I have a couple serious problems with it. But I also have something to praise about it.

When I heard Bad Religion, I was aware of how their brand of punk called for very fast paces and very short times. I just realized they were basically "fast songs" and ended up liking them. But it seems that this band doesn't have the best grip on writing a song. They use the same verse multiple times in each song, which got on my nerves just like Ramones got on my nerves. I mean, unlike Bad Religion, it's hard to tell whether these guys have any talent playing their instruments or whether they're just wailing. Their rhythms just feel simple and easy to follow along with. Sometimes there is a cool main riff, but that's not the usual case. Too easy. However, their guitarist is a great guitarist. His wailings and riffs are quite clever, like Eddie Van Halen clever. And thankfully, the album's other instruments don't drown it out, entirely. Don't get me wrong. I really like punk. But if this is what I'm looking forward to in the upcoming round, I don't think I'll be participating very heavily in the crust punk round. The album is in fact enjoyable. I don't know. Maybe I need to be open to more crust before I judge this because I don't have a great grip on it and this is my first crust play. However, that'll wait.

For now, I give it an 84. Don't know if I'll vote it off because I'm not entirely familiar with crust punk.
I'm a pretty nice troll if you ask me.
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