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Old 04-18-2016, 09:24 AM   #28 (permalink)
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I don't think it's really a question over whether or not sexism exists in the music industry, but rather what forms sexism takes and to what extent they have an effect.

Is it a self-selection process where women feel alienated from participating in "hypermasculine" genres? Are they ignored by their peers when they do participate? Why are certain genres and instruments given gendered connotations in the first place? How are female musicians represented in the media compared to men? How common is female sexual objectification in popular music? What sort of music is targeted to young girls compared to young boys? Are these trends caused by the music industry itself, or by society at large? And so on.

Sexism itself is a very multifaceted and complex thing. Limiting discussions to just "does it exist" doesn't nearly do it justice.
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