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Old 05-12-2016, 07:28 AM   #45 (permalink)
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5 Reasons Why 9/11 Was a Hoax

1: Fucking Explosions!

When the planes crashed into the towers, eyewitness reports claim that they heard the airplane explode before they looked up to see it. Why would an airplane explode? Airplanes don't just explode like that. There has not been a single case in recorded history where an airplane has exploded. What caused the explosion was a warhead in the tip of the plane that caused the initial explosion. There were additional bombs in the building, both affixed to the building itself and strapped to bound and gagged political prisoners that the CIA didn't want to waste time on giving a trial to. The evidence is clear.

2: George W. Fucking Bush

We all know how horrifically GWB acted when he first heard the news, so I won't waste your time with that lie. His biggest giveaway was during a speech that he gave where he said:

"America was under attack. We are all the people who died in the attacks. We are all the volunteers and firefighters, those brave men and women, who gave their lives to save others. We are all Americans."

Um, what? Bush either overestimated how many people died in the attacks or he doesn't know how many people there are in America. I didn't die in the attacks and I live in America? How do you explain that? Did you die in the attacks (if you're an American, that is)? There are 330 million people in the United States, and even the most liberal official documents say that three thousand people died on 9/11. Bush has never been able to get himself out of this particular tangle of lies because it's some of the more compelling evidence that the government orchestrated the attacks.

3: It Didn't Actually Happen

I went to Chicago in 2005, and the two towers were still standing. I was stunned. This is THE red flag of this whole ordeal. Go to Chicago. See for yourself.

My friend said that he went to the exact location to where the twin towers were, and there was just one massive building that they called WTC 1. Buildings don't just grow out of the ground, do they? He went to the lobby to see if he went to the right place because he wanted to see the twin towers, and they showed him a monument. What? Monuments aren't towers, and they aren't big enough for planes to crash into--that's a scientific fact. When he was asking questions for more proof that the towers were here, using his megaphone so that people could hear him better, secret service security drones REMOVED HIM FROM THE BUILDING. The government is very careful not to let these lies slip through, but the people who really know how to spot lies like me can see right through them.

4: Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Al Qaeda Don't Exist

First off, I've never seen them and I'm pretty sure that you haven't either. Afghanistan is an illegal country that the British Empire has owned for centuries. This is where the British and the Americans house their secret intergalactic meeting rooms, in which they discuss their plans for world domination. Pakistan is a similarly illegal country, with the British pretending to give the region independence in 1947. Lastly, Al Qaeda. Complete bullshit. All of the videos of Osama Bin Laden and any other Al Qaeda members were CIA footage of white actors doing sandface. In the early 50s, we armed and trained the fake group, according to government records. This became a way to use espionage to infiltrate the oil empires in the Middle East. The media says that these things all exist, but they're dead wrong.

5: What They Say Doesn't Make Any Sense

Not one thing. How does someone just hijack an airplane? I thought Americans were badasses? Pussies who would just let a terrorist with an itty bitty box knife wouldn't be able to make it in this country. How does a building just fall down? Every explanation I've been told is utter nonsense and I'm baffled by how people can believe them. Do you just accept so called "Newtonian physics" because someone said they exist? I've never seen them. It just makes way too much sense to me that the big evil government that I already hate would kill thousands of its people for fun than the absurd notion that there were a small group of people out there who don't like Americans and wanted to kill some. Who the fuck but an American would kill an American? We are rightly the most highly regarded country in the world and everyone wants to suck our toes because of it. No, the only way that 9/11 could have happened (which, of course, it didn't) is if thousands of people came together in secret to use as a platform for a vague war against countries that don't exist so that Americans can buy more cargo pants. Why cargo pants you ask? Laura Bush runs the cargo pants industry, and we all know that the first lady has the most say in the executive branch.
Studies show that when a given norm is changed in the face of the unchanging, the remaining contradictions will parallel the truth.

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