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Old 05-23-2016, 12:30 PM   #183 (permalink)
Chula Vista
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My biggest beef with Christianity is pretty simple. According to the bible:

Person (A) can be a wonderful, generous, giving person their whole life. But if when they die they have not chosen Jesus as their savior they are damned to an eternity in hell.

Person (B) can be a life long pedophile, animal abuser, sadistic torturer, thief, and all around scumbag, but if on their deathbed they ask for a priest and decide to choose Jesus as their savior then they are granted entrance into heaven.

Talk about a vain deity.

Re: Free speech. There's always exceptions. Always. You'll get arrested if you yell fire in a movie theater or bomb on an airplane. If you publicly speak up about wanting to kill the president expect a visit from the Secret Service. If you run a newspaper and decide to print a story about pipe bombs including directions on how to build one, your paper will be shut down until the story is retracted. Just a few of many examples of exceptions to the whole Free Speech thing.

Some people just take the amendments too damn literal and black or white.

Re. the 2nd. Right to bear arms and how some people say that means zero exceptions. So any person should be able to own a fully automatic machine gun? A sawed off shotgun? Or should be able to just walk into a gun show and buy 50 handguns without any checks or balances?

And to those who hate socialism. You realize that your local fire and police departments are examples of socialism. Same goes for the post office and the interstate highway system. It's not all black or white in the real world in spite of what a lots of people's rhetoric would have you believe.

“The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well,
on the surface of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away
and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.”
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