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Old 08-19-2016, 03:16 PM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 3
Default Thoughts On Tool

Okay, so I was searching for alternative metal bands on the internet, I heard about tool and I saw people saying how brilliant and incredible they were, so I listened to their albums, and I couldn't stand it.

I liked only three songs and that was it, everything else was boring, repetitive, extremely pretentious, and went on for way too long.

It felt like watching a 4 hour movie that people say is a masterpiece, when all it is, is just a time wasting, boring mess.

I don't know about you, but I hate songs that are long and don't offer much to the table to intrigue the listener, like if their songs were like 3 to 5 minutes, then that would be fine, but no, they drag songs from 6 to 13 minutes. Like who has time and patience to listen to a song that goes on for 13minutes?

Tools lyrics are filled with pseudo intellectual, and pretentious stuff like who cares about journey of people who took some brew that no one has heard of, who cares if your songs are about biblical stories, and who cares about saturn's orbital period like these people are like "hey, lets add some obscure things to our songs so we sound deep and smart".

And finally you got the fans, the fans just as bad as radiohead fans, a majority of tools fans are pseudo intellectuals who either listen to their music to look smart or show off how cool they are because of that since tool is loved by tons of people.
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