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Old 08-22-2016, 01:38 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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I found the thread!!

BlackwhiteSphinx (2:12:55 AM): Hi. Are you there?
thealextron (2:12:59 AM): yes
thealextron (2:13:03 AM): i assume this is HIM
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:13:08 AM): yes
thealextron (2:13:16 AM): hahah
thealextron (2:13:19 AM): okay
thealextron (2:13:25 AM): i like how your icon is linkin park
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:13:31 AM): thx
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:13:38 AM): Did you send me a request for MySpace?
thealextron (2:13:41 AM): but you said you hated them...
thealextron (2:13:42 AM): yes
thealextron (2:13:43 AM): i did
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:13:48 AM): I did hate them
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:13:51 AM): not anymore
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:13:56 AM): and ok i'll add you
thealextron (2:14:03 AM): k
thealextron (2:14:05 AM): good
thealextron (2:14:06 AM): haha
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:14:09 AM): hehe
thealextron (2:14:17 AM): i have to see this death and destruction myspace
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:14:26 AM): hehe
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:14:33 AM): you'll think it's pretty cool
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:14:42 AM): nice song and everything
thealextron (2:15:04 AM): cool
thealextron (2:15:07 AM): i hope so
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:15:12 AM): Hope you like it
thealextron (2:16:37 AM): oh i do
thealextron (2:16:41 AM): very nice
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:16:44 AM): Thanks
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:16:48 AM): I like yours too
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:17:12 AM): Dimmu Borgir is one of my favorite bands
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:17:40 AM): By the way thanks for putting my quote on your sig...
thealextron (2:17:51 AM): no problem
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:18:09 AM): I have never had my quotes on anybodys sigs
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:18:28 AM): Alot of people hate me on MusicBanter that's for sure.....
thealextron (2:18:29 AM): well now you do
thealextron (2:18:33 AM): no
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:18:33 AM): Hehe
thealextron (2:18:36 AM): no one hates you
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:18:46 AM): I guess...
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:19:03 AM): I am gonna change my avatar soon to something that is a sign of death...
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:19:11 AM): probably a pentagram or something
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:19:26 AM): I am actually gonna do it right now..
thealextron (2:19:28 AM): nice
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:19:33 AM): One sec
thealextron (2:19:33 AM): that would be hardcore
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:19:40 AM): I am gonna do a pentagram
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:21:22 AM): done
thealextron (2:22:36 AM): dude
thealextron (2:22:42 AM): that is pretty devilish
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:22:45 AM): I know
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:22:51 AM): I kind of worship him.....
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:23:22 AM): I know it's scary
thealextron (2:23:46 AM): nah
thealextron (2:23:50 AM): doesnt scare me
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:24:01 AM): Cool, it usually scares alot of people.
thealextron (2:24:11 AM): not me
thealextron (2:24:18 AM): i am not scared of the devil
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:24:23 AM): Me neither
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:24:40 AM): I signed off of MySpace but I am staying on MusicBanter
thealextron (2:24:48 AM): oh why
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:25:25 AM): I don't know.....
thealextron (2:25:29 AM): so do you hate god?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:25:37 AM): Yes
thealextron (2:25:42 AM): why
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:25:44 AM): I don't believe in him
thealextron (2:25:48 AM): oh
thealextron (2:25:55 AM): but you believe in the devil?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:26:03 AM): Yes
thealextron (2:26:16 AM): well
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:26:24 AM): huh?
thealextron (2:26:26 AM): how can you believe in the devil but not god?
thealextron (2:26:33 AM): does god exist?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:26:45 AM): I believe he exists but I just don't believe in him...
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:27:05 AM): That didn't make since did it?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:27:12 AM): sense*
thealextron (2:27:16 AM): not much
thealextron (2:27:23 AM): but do you love the devil?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:27:38 AM): No I don't love him but I do like him.
thealextron (2:27:56 AM): why dont you love him?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:27:56 AM): I worship him by doing wikken and praying to him in the middle of a pentagram in the middle of my room
thealextron (2:28:04 AM): ah
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:28:09 AM): Hehe cool huh?
thealextron (2:28:11 AM): what do your parents have to say about that?
thealextron (2:28:13 AM): yes
thealextron (2:28:15 AM): very cool
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:28:22 AM): My parents don't care
thealextron (2:28:30 AM): ah
thealextron (2:28:34 AM): cool dude
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:28:38 AM): Yup
thealextron (2:28:52 AM): has the devil every done anything good for you?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:29:03 AM): Actually now that you ask.....
thealextron (2:29:16 AM): ...
thealextron (2:29:18 AM): yeah
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:29:28 AM): he did help me one time
thealextron (2:29:39 AM): oh yeah? with what?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:29:59 AM): Wiccan, I was actually able to make something move with my powers of wiccan and I think he helped me
thealextron (2:30:09 AM): ah
thealextron (2:30:14 AM): what did you move??
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:30:23 AM): My bed.....(king size)
thealextron (2:30:29 AM): how far?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:30:41 AM): about 3 or 4 feet maybe
thealextron (2:30:49 AM): thats pretty cool
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:30:54 AM): Yup
thealextron (2:31:02 AM): so what do you think about other things?
thealextron (2:31:11 AM): what is your outlook on life?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:31:46 AM): Mmmmm I think life is something that you should respect because if we didn't have life than where would we be....
thealextron (2:32:28 AM): do you respect doom?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:32:34 AM): Yeah
thealextron (2:32:47 AM): how do you feel about doom?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:33:17 AM): Hmm....I never actually thought of it....hmmmmm I feel that Doom helps people get through life in a way....
thealextron (2:33:27 AM): yes
thealextron (2:33:34 AM): are you pro-destruction?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:33:45 AM): Yeah kind of
thealextron (2:34:22 AM): thats pretty wickd
thealextron (2:34:26 AM): you are a dark kid
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:34:35 AM): Well I am goth and emo
thealextron (2:34:43 AM): wow
thealextron (2:34:48 AM): youre goth AND emo?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:34:55 AM): Yeah
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:35:01 AM): pretty cool huh?
thealextron (2:35:39 AM): yepp
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:35:44 AM): hehe
thealextron (2:35:53 AM): i wish i could be emo and goth
thealextron (2:35:57 AM): how do you do it?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:36:39 AM): I just go with the flow I don't care what other people think. Like if people say I look stupid...I couldn't care for one second what they're saying
thealextron (2:36:54 AM): yeah, that is definitly emo
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:37:00 AM): Yup
thealextron (2:37:27 AM): you sure are devilish and free spirited
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:37:37 AM): Yup that's how I live my life
thealextron (2:37:52 AM): wow
thealextron (2:37:56 AM): that is admirable
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:38:01 AM): Thanks
thealextron (2:38:15 AM): you must have lots of followers
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:38:40 AM): Yah I have changed a couple of people to become Goth but that's like two or three people tops
thealextron (2:39:02 AM): were they moved by you?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:39:12 AM): Yeah I guess you can say that
thealextron (2:39:37 AM): thats pretty cool
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:39:44 AM): Thanks
thealextron (2:39:50 AM): has your wiccan every helped you to create destruction
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:39:59 AM): Oh yeah all the time
thealextron (2:40:12 AM): like what?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:40:45 AM): Once I made a piece of a building fall off which practically damaged it and it took like 3 years to build it
thealextron (2:41:55 AM): has it ever killed anyone?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:42:07 AM): Not yet, but it will soon get powerful enough too.
thealextron (2:42:19 AM): nice
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:42:24 AM): I have probably been doing wiccan practically my whole life
thealextron (2:42:35 AM): since birth?
BlackwhiteSphinx (2:42:49 AM): No like when I was 3 I started doing it.
thealextron (2:43:04 AM): that is pretty impressive
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