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Old 08-31-2016, 01:36 PM   #1 (permalink)
TinySickTears's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 31
Default share your new or recent discoveries

i admit i am pretty snobby when it comes to music. i know what i like and i know what i dont. having said that i will also say that i like a LOT of different genres of music. i will also say that i am a big fan of musicianship, technique, knowledge of theory....that kind of thing.

though i put a lot of stock in those things one of my favorite bands is the white stripes for the exact opposite. sloppy. stripped it

i am usually late to the party when it comes to 'new'(new to me) stuff.

frank zappa is by far my favorite musician. my biggest influence in more than music but i didnt even get into him till about 10 years ago.

once i get into a musician or a band i get obsessed and i have to acquire everything i possibly can from becomes a thing with me.

so i will discover something that is new to me and them become obsessed with it and kick myself for coming across it at an earlier time and dismissing it.

so here are a few within the last 6 months or so that i am just enthralled with.

esperanza spaulding---jazz singer. double bass. electric bass

conlon nancarrow-----very complicated player piano composer. many etudes.

henry cowell--------music theorist. pianist. composer. played what he called stringed piano. he would play pizzacato on the strings instead of using the keys. would use his elbows and forearms to achieve atonalities and polytonalities....just amazing ****

tosin abasi------8 string guitarist...just a monster

jaco pastorius------electric bass. known for his natural harmonics all over the board.

just a few recent discoveries. please share yours because i am in the mood to find new stuff.

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