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Old 09-11-2016, 12:08 PM   #19 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 1,366

That's the best thing about traveling times, time you can devote entirely to music. It'll be cool to add ya on Skype it's fun to introduce people to Punk, most aren't interested.

Punk is repetetive due to being based on simplicity. Ska Punk has it worse if it doesn't have horns, because usually you just mostly get ska beats on guitar throughout the song, for which there aren't many possibilities as it has to be on the off beat.

The more "hardcore" kinda ska punk is rather niche save for a few , while most more popular ska punk would be more accurately labeled "ska pop punk". Reel Big Fish for example is huge.

The recording and production quality thing isn't exclusive to ska punk, it's common in the entirity of Punk as it's an amateuristic do it yourself genre. It's supposed to sound raw and unproffesional. The lo fi recordings became part of the charm for many. Ofcourse some punk bands do have higher quality recordings, mostly modern ones. It actually kinda annoys me Fat Wreck Cords records tend to sound overproduced thrse days. I do partially think stuff being hard to hear also has to do with the loudness war, modern punk music like most modern music just sounds a lot louder, resulting in a loss of dynamic range.

Evil Empire is awesome, one of my favouritr songs, the one I sent, glad ya like it.

A lot of people are turned off by these kinds of vocals, and punk vocals in general.
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