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Old 09-11-2016, 07:42 PM   #2580 (permalink)
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Hmmm polls are tightening, looks like the Trumpster has finally got his act together, I might even start calling him Trump again.

I would like to say its a race, but his chances are still 1 and 100 of winning the Presidency.

In order for Trump to win he has to flip or hold onto the following states:

Florida, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina. If he can somehow flip Pennsylvania well that changes things.

In order for Hillary to win all she has to do is win


That's it! She has a major advantage, and with choosing Tim Kaine (Senator from Virginia) as her running mate, so unless an army of rednecks drive to the polls in Virginia...the deal is probably sealed.

Hillary has two other major advantages to, one of the most organized and powerful ground campaigns at her disposable, and the power of Wall Street and corporate America behind her. It's like an indie band going up against the pop star...which means Trump is toast!

Hillary Clinton is Wall Street’s preferred candidate: Financial execs pouring millions into her campaign to defeat Trump

Hillary Clinton is Wall Street’s preferred candidate: Financial execs pouring millions into her campaign to defeat Trump -

This simple chart shows exactly how much Wall Street loves Hillary Clinton

This simple chart shows exactly how much Wall Street loves Hillary Clinton

Goldman Sachs Bans Staff From Donating To Trump. But Not To Hillary Clinton.

Goldman Sachs Bans Staff From Donating To Trump. But Not To Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton war chest 32 times larger than Donald Trump's

Hillary Clinton war chest 32 times larger than Donald Trump's - World - CBC News

Hillary Reportedly Raises 'Twice As Much' From the Oil Industry As Trump

Hillary Raises 'Twice As Much' From the Oil Industry As Trump

Hedge Fund Money Has Vastly Favored Clinton Over Trump

Hedge Fund Money Has Vastly Favored Clinton Over Trump - WSJ

Lobbyists for Monsanto, ExxonMobil Raise Money for Hillary Clinton

Lobbyists for Monsanto, ExxonMobil Raise Money for Hillary Clinton - Bloomberg Politics

Donors in Most Industries Back Hillary Clinton

Donors in Most Industries Back Hillary Clinton - WSJ

Yep...It's definitively going to be President Clinton in November, lol
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