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Old 09-13-2016, 10:30 PM   #67 (permalink)
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I'm pretty much retired from listening to punk, but as the former hardcore residence on the subject I'll clear this up.

Originally Posted by Dylstew View Post
Powerviolence is just the most extreme version of regular hardcore punk. The result is pretty much grindcore without the metal.

Crust Punk is a Punk genre with Extreme Metal elements, that alone makes it different.
First spot on.

Originally Posted by scumflesh View Post
Grindcore initially came without metal
Napalm Death's 1982 or is it 84 (Can't remember) demo tape would probably be described as thrashcore bordering on powerviolence.


Grindcore was the result of punk bands in the United Kingdom (Napalm Death, Extreme Noise Terror & Carcass) trying to take the hardcore genre to the extreme in the mid 80's. As such, they started to incorporate metal riffs and down tuned their guitars to achieve a heavier sound. Carcass of course would become a full out metal band, while Napalm Death and Extreme Noise Terror would begin incorporating a heavier metal sound into their music by the 90's.

The main reason grindcore is considered a hardcore or extreme punk genre is for four reasons. 1. It was founded by punk bands in the UK (the American grindcore scene was much more rooted in metal) 2. the musical scales employed. Traditionally grindcore has stuck with the pentatonic & general minor scales with common modes, while death metal employs a lot of scales with semi tone intervals (Diatonic ect) taken from Slayer and Kreator. 3) The blast beat, and the incorporation of hardcore drumming. Finally lyrical content. Grindcore is more prone to talk about hardcore orientated subjects like politics, the horrors of war, ect, but taking it to the extreme.

Crust Punk

Again like grindcore, crustpunk was a result of UK punk bands experimenting with metal, but instead of going heavier the idea was to adapt the darker mood of despair associated with heavy metal. Of the 3 big UK 82 bands (Discharge, The Exploited & GBH) Discharge had more of a metal influence and a darker tone. Guitarist Tony Bones would of course leave Discharge to form Broken Bones, which would become an all out UK82/crossover thrash outfit.

Amebix's arise album (usually considered the first crust punk landmark) had a very dark almost Black Sabbath mood to it. The other UK pioneers Doom and Hellbastard followed a somewhat similar vein. In Scandinavia crust punk took on a much more military (The Expolited) type feel with the D beat drumming..

In the United States a lot of it got mixed with Anarcho Punk (bands like Aus Rotten) so a very far left political message to it. (ie Disrupt)

Blackened Crust

Crust Punk that incorporates black metal into their music, initially pioneered by Darkthrone and later a popular underground genre in North America, Japan & Europe ect.

Power Violence:

As stated by Dylstew, hardcore punk taken to it's extreme without any down tuning of their guitars or incorporation of metal riffs. In other words no metal influence.
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