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Old 09-16-2016, 10:45 PM   #2677 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
Care to spell out exactly how SHE used corruption? The DNC's job is to win both nationally and state wise. Everyone except blind idealists knew that a Sanders presidency would've been as limp and ineffective as Batlord's wiener after two six packs.
Are you kidding me? She had Susan Wasserman and the other high ranking DNC officials in her pocket. They deliberately subverted the democratic process to ensure HRC election.

From the leaked emails showing high ranking DNC officials looking for ways to discredit the Sanders campaign, to allowing the Clinton campaign to work out of DNC headquarters, to the debate times being scheduled to favour Hillary, to key speakers for Sanders being mysteriously scrubbed from speaking at the primaries, to withholding crucial campaign information, to a high ranking DNC chairman being caught raising money for the Clinton campaign, to allegations of possible electoral fraud.

The Clintons did everything in their power to subvert the Democratic process. The DNC is supposed to be a completely unbiased, and yield to the will of its party members, not influence the vote. For all the talk and fear of Russia, at least the Republican party yields to the will of its members. The Koch brothers & 1% would have loved to have eliminated Trump!

Finally on this Clinton propaghanda that Bernie is an idealist who would never have implemented his idea. Bernie out polled Trump by a bigger margin than Hillary, which means he probably would have won the senate, something Clinton is sure to lose if the polls keep swinging against her.

He's also a three term Mayor, and has been a US senator since 1990. The only reason he never got to be the First Lady, is because he doesn't suck J.P. Morgan's cock!!!

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