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Old 09-30-2016, 11:47 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Isbjørn View Post
I get it, the next POTUS will be either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. But for how many more years should people accept the fake, corporate two-party "democracy" and vote for the lesser evil? Four years? Eight years? Forever?

And on third parties not being serious: There are more third party candidates than Gary Johnson. Jill Stein and Gloria La Riva, for instance. In my opinion, the most ridiculous thing about Gary Johnson is his libertarianism.
The unfortunate thing it leads to is people are comfortable with the way things are, and not enough people want to change it to make a difference, so the two party system is here to stay as long as people don't have to work very hard to make change. I'm as disappointed by third parties not getting a chance as a lot of people, but that's how America works. If we can be lazy and just pick the lesser of two evils, there's no point in trying to make a difference.
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