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Old 10-10-2016, 01:46 PM   #3432 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chula Vista View Post
Trump won???? That's precious.

And softball questions??? That's bull****.
Well Trump had to bring up the fact that she deleted thousands of emails

Mrs Clinton when you were under investigation for deleting State Department emails on your on your home server account, which held highly sensitive state documents, did you really tell FBI agents that you didn't know that the C meant a file was classified?

Mrs Clinton, Americans are concerned about getting further involved in the conflict in Syria. You have received more money from America's arms manufactures than any other candidate? The Clinton foundation has accepted up $20 million from Saudi Arabia, and millions more from other Sunni states. Why was this given, and how can we be assured you will not drag the United States further into Syria, with so many open hawks on your security adviser team?

Mrs Clinton in two years you pulled in more than $20 million dollars in paid speeches from major banks and hedge fund organizations like Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley and, refused to have the transcripts made public. No other candidate from Jeb Bush to Marco Rubio was paid that much? How can you assure the working American your not bought and paid for?

Mrs. Clinton shortly after the controversy with Trump broke about groping women, wikileaks provided a document of a paid speech you gave to a Brazillian bank stating that your..“dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders” Mrs. Clinton do you really believe that the American worker should be put in more direct competition with people around the world through free trade and open borders?

Mrs Clinton, last Spring the head of the DNC Susan Wasserman had to step down from her position after wikileaks documents showed several attempts to undermine the Sanders campaign to ensure your victory. What was your role in this?

Hmmm, those are some of the questions I'd ask, and that's just a start. I haven't even touched on her dealings with the shady business people that she allowed to fleece Haiti.

A supposed left wing candidate who receives more donations from big banks & corporations than Jeb Bush = problem.
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