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Old 10-22-2016, 09:10 AM   #1526 (permalink)
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The election is already over I very much doubt a brexit will happen at this point. Boris Johnson had positive favourability rating with the general public....Trump does not.

Trump beat Trump. He could have won, but his personality is just to narcissistic and unstable for the general public to swallow. The only reason this race is still competitive, is because Trump is offering an alternative to policies that large parts of the American public desperately want changed, which both the Republican and Democratic establishment are the same on. (free trade, immigration and foreign policy)

As for Clinton, I've been a little hard on her, but she is so disliked by the general public I can't see her serving more than a four year term. The one good thing about a Clinton Presidency is that the first one is the only President who has been able to balance the books and run a surplus since....well a very long time. You have to all the way back to the Keynesian post war economy under Nixon before you can find a Republican President who didn't run consistent deficits. So there you go, park your classical liberal vote with the Clintons.
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