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Old 12-04-2016, 11:32 AM   #236 (permalink)
The Batlord
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Originally Posted by Qwertyy View Post
Mass Effect and Halo are both the ****. The difference is Mass Effect consistently seems to get better with each game (although for me personally 2 vs 3 is a toss-up as both games were AMAZING) whereas Halo hasn't been the same since 3. I liked Halo Reach a bit, 4 was a let down, and 5... well, just **** 5.

I played the first two Deadrising games and they were below average. It's fun to run around and kill zombies for awhile, but it lacked any sort of engaging storyline or real reward for completing missions. I spent way more time destroying random zombies than actually trying to beat the game.
As a connoisseur of the ME trilogy who has played all three games back-to-back-to-back multiple times then I have to somewhat disagree with you there. 1 had the worst gameplay, and the exploration element could get tedious if you're a completionist like me, but it was the only game that let you actually feel like you were exploring a galaxy and had easily the best-paced and most consistent storyline.

2 was the best gameplay-wise and had the best crew, but the reveal of the Reapers' plan almost ruined them the concept was so lame, and I don't think the game was ever as good as it was before you left Omega. EA definitely spent too much time and effort on the beginning at the expense of the pacing of the rest of the game. I'd give 2 the edge, but it also brought a lot of EA baggage.

3 was great the first time I played it, not as good the second time, getting boring the third time, and now I only play it cause I just finished 2 and I have no other option as an ME freak. A lot of loose ends were tied up satisfactorily but the ending did for the series what the ending of 2 did for the Reapers. Just awful. But more than that is the unbalanced character classes that pretty much make playing the game with any class other than Soldier feel wrong, especially if you're bringing over a maxed out character from 2. A Vanguard can literally spam Charge throughout the entire game and die only five times, unless you just get bored and start playing around with weird character builds. Infiltrator is almost the same story, just not as monotonous. 3 just doesn't have much depth as a game.

And since EA still owns Mass Effect I don't see much changing, so I imagine 4 is going to be fun, maybe even somewhat of a return to form simply because improved hardware will allow them to reintroduce exploration without sacrificing other things, but the EA toilet does not flow upwards.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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