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Old 12-05-2016, 03:06 AM   #2013 (permalink)
Lucem Ferre
Cuter Than Post Malone.
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First off, we're not at war with Islam. We are at war with radical Islam. Well, we are at war with Isis. Well, we aren't even technically at war. Most Islamic countries don't want Isis, Taliban, Al-Qaeda, etc. in their countries either.

Second is that it's not okay to stereotype all Islamic people because we usually end up mistreating much more innocent people than guilty people if any. How about we stop being such pussies and quit letting a bunch of ***s with guns that we gave them and trained them how to use scare us into alienating our own people especially since some one is much more likely to turn on us if we turned on them.

I think Trump won because he tricked stupid people into thinking he is some kind of savior who had not been corrupted by the politics of our government despite the fact that there is plenty of easy evidence all over the web proving that he is not the scrupulous man he claimed to be. **** that's just there, that you didn't need hackers to leek for us. Like the fact that he was a die hard democrat that helped fund the Clinton's in the first place. Or that he hires illegal workers or that he doesn't pay taxes or that he doesn't make his products in America or that who knew exactly who that KKK member that endorsed him was and didn't want to disassociate himself from the Klan because he planned on using our cultural and racial tension to empower the white supremacist crowd into voting for him.

Face it, people that think Trump is some kind of savior are just as delusional and dumb as people that thought Hillary was. Or, despite Trump's past not giving any ****s about anybody but himself has all of a sudden changed and I'm wrong. I doubt it though.
Lucem, you're right, it's silly to talk about what I would or wouldn't do IRL. Glad you brought it up. Maybe you should write an instrumental about it. I recommend a piano paired with a clarinet. With ambient sounds of you hanging from your shower curtain you ****ing failure.

Art Is Dead. Buy My ****.
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