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Old 01-23-2006, 03:48 AM   #238 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bungalowbill357
Alright, I havent read all of this but I feel inclined to give my opinion.
Bush is not a good president, he isn't a terrible one, but he is in no way applaudable.
madeinNY said that she hated politicians originally, and Ethan jumped on her for critising Bush, well, in saying "I hate politicians" is the word "Bush" ever mentioned? It isnt.
Then, Ethan, you continued to say that he has people who advise him.
Well, you are correct, and you know what, the people who advise him are politicians too.
When people mention that they hate "Bush" the majority of them, and the intelligent ones, mean they hate the Bush Administration. Can you really blame them? All of the people who advise Bush, were appointed by him. So your argument that "It can't all be pinned on Bush" is somewhat faulty. He choose the people who give him ideas, and advice. He wouldn't have choosen them if he didn't agree with the advice they would give him.
As for 9/11 being Bush's fault....complete bull
The FBI recieves hundreds of threats a day. If they investigated everyone of these threats, we would be broke. 9/11 was in no way Bush's fault
I find it funny that right after 9/11, Bush's approval rating was in the 90%s, basically the entire country was behind him.
Why are we so quick to throw stones now, and say it was his fault that 9/11 happened? Because when it did happen, we were all behind him. But now "It was soo his fault"

good to see someone with some idea. Although i dont live in America, i am/would be republican, most of the things the Bush adminisitration have done outside America I support, i do not, however believe i can have a legitimate opinion on how he governs your actual country as i do not live there.
What angers me is that some of you believe you know better then your president. (im not refering to the 'billstar' in the above quote). There is no way that any of you have any idea of the good that the current adminisitration does. I think Bush deserves alot more credit then you American's give him.
Originally Posted by crowquill
i would like it to be known that holdfasthope is amazing, and even though we are equally attractive...more then YOU ever will be, i worship that man with all my heart. for he is my light in this darkened world.

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