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Old 12-16-2016, 04:28 PM   #672 (permalink)
Mondo Bungle
Prepare 4 the Fight Scene
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Starboard II by Psychephilia

The first track here is pretty interesting when these piano notes come along to accompany the light humming drone. That's about what the track is but it's pretty nice and already gets me more anticipative of what's to come. That's a word I just made up. Dark and spaced out industrial sounding stuff here, the layers are building. After 2 minutes there's a phaser effect on a drone coupled with a continuous mechanical clank. The phasing noise does some changing up while the clank still goes in the background. Not too much longer and I'm pretty sure it starts to stretch out, and with that comes a building and ominous buzzing drone to take the song to it's close. If I had to make a complaint I'd say it wasn't as "full" as I might like, and perhaps a tad long for it's content (but what would I know about that right), but it still was decent and enjoyable.

Strange Hum lowers the fi and keeps a monotonous droning for a bit, but after like a minute and a half, a new layer of noise enters the fray and saves it from being too monotonous. In fact, I'd say it turned it into a standout. It's a subtle and light bit of industrial noise, not at all harsh, very pleasing. Echoes starts off similarly, but there's some more odd effects swirling about than on the last track. Though it still sounds a lot alike, albeit more subdued and gentle. Since I liked that one I like this one too. There's enough contrast to make them unique on their own, but also works in the album context and carries out a similar feeling. Stranded in the Woods is a bit similar yet again, this time variation comes in the form of some off kilter percussion. The drones and noise pick up after two minutes, kinda like track 3, and makes for more enjoyably pleasant sciencetastic droning. There's some synth lines that make their way into the haze to make it even lighter and nice sounding.

I might have complained about monotony in A.I, but with Cloudy Day it works better for me. It's more hypnotic, and with the low fuzz that subtly washes over it all, it keeps interest. More light stuff with the synths.

The last track is easily th best. The synth notes are modulated, as is everything else, and we have a very psychedelic experience, a bit unique from the rest of the album. Great listen.

I think this album was pretty nice, and worked better in an album kinda way than the last I reviewed. The tracks carry out a consistent atmosphere that can be felt throughout. It might not be super "exciting", but it's well done atmospheric stuff, and pretty solid.
Originally Posted by Oriphiel View Post
Hmm, what's this in my pocket?

*epic guitar solo blasts into my face*

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