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Old 01-04-2017, 06:23 PM   #324 (permalink)
The Batlord
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Originally Posted by Victor Frankenstein View Post
Okay you did interesting examples, for sure you have good taste in movies, but I have something to say about them.

During the 60's Jazz had the main role in the cinema, and obviously if you have to do a movie about american gangstar is better jazz or ragtime than classical, or you can do a movie about gangster and put it Beethoven and make A Clockwork Orange 2.0

Anyway, all the movies that you names (all fantastic movies) are not commercial movies (except the 60's ones)
But you know that if I have to do a list of movies that use classical music to strenghten their stories, mine'll be bigger.

But Frownland I'm defending classical music not because I'm a classical music lover, but because nowadays all commercial movies and trailer of those movies push a lot in the audio language and the emotional contagion, in which audio has a really important role.. and the 80% of the case directors diceded to emit feels through classical music. But this is not my point of view, it's what the producers are doing (and it's the second time that I'm saying this).
Yeah there are a lot of movies around, seriously a lot, and it's impossible, objectively talking, that all movies have the same musical genre as soundtrack, but I started talking about marketing and I have to show you that in this mudhole called marketing the use of some classical track is almost a must, please go and watch the trailers of the last commercial movies, you can see from yourself that the tracks are quite similar.

However this thread doesn't talk about the difference between classical music and other genres or if movies have or not another genres as soundtrack (even if I was talking about the emit of feels through classical music in fact I did the example of the opening scene of Forrest Gump that explain very well what I'm saying) but if classical musical is revelant nowadays.
And well it is.
The fact that you're reduced to talking about movie soundtracks that 99% of the audience don't care about cause they're busy watching the film is kind of evidence that it's not relevant.
Originally Posted by J.R.R. Tolkien
There is only one bright spot and that is the growing habit of disgruntled men of dynamiting factories and power-stations; I hope that, encouraged now as ‘patriotism’, may remain a habit! But it won’t do any good, if it is not universal.
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