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Old 01-10-2017, 04:17 PM   #649 (permalink)
Fck Ths Thngs
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Originally Posted by P A N View Post
really though? so when nasa says they've found a planet in a neighbouring solar system which hold a planet possibly like earth, and they tell you they can tell it's a bit like earth because they've told you they can tell what gases are on its surface because of the way it wobbles or because of infrared this or that, you believe it's experimentation? or is it that you believe they are funded enough that this must be what they're doing with their time? or is it possible you believe they are even capable of that for no other reason than that you were told they do, and that you've been provided images on a consistent basis throughout the entirety of your formative years?
I believe space science is a legitimate field of study and we have the intelligence and technology to hypothesize/theorize things that we'd eventually like to test.

I think if scientists say they have found the kind of planet you describe, they probably have good reason for believing it to be true, based on their current understanding. Unlike you, science is flexible, and when information/technology changes or improves the science gets updated. Based on our current understanding of Earth, you have no grounds to claim flat earth based on science because all the science supports a globe.
I don't got a god complex, you got a simple god...

Originally Posted by elphenor View Post
I'd vote for Trump
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