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Old 01-12-2017, 12:31 PM   #768 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Originally Posted by Goofle View Post
You can't just say words. Explain to me why it's perfectly reasonable to take more money off wealthy people?
Ok, I'll spell it out more clearly then. You have a right to your personal freedoms, but living in this country and enjoying the myriad benefits that you have that many others do not is not free. It is not a right. It is a privilege. It takes money to sustain the infrastructure needed to actually keep the free market going. Does it make sense that the poorest of our country are the ones sustaining this market? Wouldn't it make more sense if the highest earners, having earned their wealth in said system, put more back into this system to make it bigger and better than before? Even Republicans agree with this. The thing is - they thought trickle down would be the solution. IT'S NOT. Do you have another solution other than more taxes? If so, let's hear it. The past 3 decades have shown us that rather than playing their part and paying their fair share into this system that made them rich, they'd rather cut and run. Would it be great if we could live in a world where everyone just recognized what they need to do and paid their fair share? Of course. But for every good person out there, there's an ass hole waiting to take advantage. And because of those ass holes, the only way to fix the economy is to tax the rich.

These aren't just words. Contributing to the system that makes your life so good is a RESPONSIBILITY. One that the poor have no choice over and one that the rich are constantly trying to get out of.
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