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Old 01-17-2017, 08:28 AM   #1020 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Anteater View Post
However, the problem is that liberals here in the U.S. (and in some places abroad) don't want to deal with the hard truths of radical Islam and it's roots. They advocate for head-scratching border policies and notoriously convoluted tax legislature. They also tend to be more concerned with identity politics at the expense of everything else...all of which came back to bite them in the ass this election cycle.

Hopefully Trump will be a good wake up call (regardless of his successes or failures) so that someday that Democratic Party (or some comparable candidate, like a reasonable Libertarian) will eventually take office and make decisions that actually help the middle class and take logical positions on issues like race, rather than demonizing the "white man" (Obama) or "anyone who isn't white" (Trump)
What are these hard truths? That between 250,000 and 350,000 Muslims are at risk for engaging in 'extremist behavior'? source

Or that there are a little over 100,000 individuals with ties to terror groups?
source 1
source 2 - more general

Remaking our entire foreign policy, relationship to the military, and immigration system due to the fear caused by a tiny minority (let's guess high and say 1,000,000 Muslims not only tacitly approve of terrorism, but materially support it: 1,000,000 / 1,600,000,000 = .000625%) is foolhardy and the exact reaction these groups want.

There should be some immigration reforms - a completely porous border is an obvious problem and one that should be looked at (and not actually the case, despite Brietbart's "reporting"), but the GOP's solution is no solution but a regression. It's man-the-battlements in a time of weak American manufacturing and damn-the-foreign-horde in a time of strong American production in fields such as energy. The 'strategy' appeals to low-information voters who see America with painfully myopic eyes.

I unfortunately can't argue the identity politics line. It was so frustrating during this election cycle that Hillary became the 'not that guy' candidate instead of the policy candidate, which is much more her strength. I'm not sure if it was savant-level acumen on Trump's part or simply blind luck that put him against not only a critically compromised candidate but one who took what might have been the worst possible path to victory.

Finally, I have never seen Obama demonize white people. Saying that white people don't know what it's like to grow up black is simply true. Saying that there is a cultural history of racial tension is true. Saying that movements like Black Lives Matter are important doesn't mean that all other races or identities are subservient or inconsequential - just that we have institutional and cultural biases that directly affect 15% of our population. If you have evidence of Obama condemning people because of their race, I'd love to see it. Because we have evidence of Trump questioning people's ability to their job effectively directly because of their race.

Can't even engage with the Joseph McCarthy stuff from Goofle. I remember what it was like to be 17 and have all the answers so I probably should just leave that alone...
One note timeless, came out of nowhere...

Last edited by riseagainstrocks; 01-17-2017 at 08:58 AM.
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