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Old 02-10-2017, 11:46 AM   #430 (permalink)
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Rocket League

Yes, I'm talking about Rocket League again in this journal. How could I not? Not only has it been racking up hours through Steam, it's still as playable and enjoyable and community filled as it was the first day it was released. When I talk about games that I find to be near perfection or even perfection, I tend to fall more towards talking about the developers of the game as opposed to talking about the game itself. However in this case, the credit goes to both the developers and the game simultaneously.

Psyonix is a developer that should not only be respected, but one that will more than likely continue to impress the masses with their ability to create something truly spectacular and unique. If you weren't aware, Psyonix are known for making Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle Cars, which Rocket League is the spiritual successor. Now, little did I know that SAR-PBC is still popular to this day, it's not entirely surprising. Though I imagine the people that heavily enjoyed that game have shifted to Rocket League by now.

I've talked about the game in this journal so I really don't need to try to convince you as to why I believe this game is perfection. If you're curious, just think soccer ball with cars. And boosts. And competition. And customization. It has everything. Not only that, but the developers are heavily comfortable with the community behind their game, so much to the fact that they release a lot of big updates for free, or at the very least, dirt cheap. They care more about the experience over money, and that's a really nice change of pace. I'm looking at you EA Games.

The reason I bring this game up again is not only to showcase it in Ki's Picks, but to also heavily throw the idea out there that we should really have an MB wide Rocket League tournament. I know I've put this idea on the table before, and I know there are some people here that play the game. I think it'd be fun and a good way to bring this dead community back together.

Anyway, play Rocket League.
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