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Old 01-27-2006, 05:52 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Crowe
An interesting thing about being the most powerful nation in the world is that if you do help and you don't do it exactly how the rest of the world wants it, well you're going to be scorned. However, if the most powerful nation in the world does nothing while atrocities occur - they will be scorned. It's a fun fact that every dominant empire gets to deal with.
Well, invading countries illegally based on falsified and doctored information, solely for the benefit of the gas-guzzling hick brigade and their inability to purchase a vaguely fuel efficient car, whilst all the time eroding the civil liberties of your own citizens and pressurizing what few governments support you to do the same, whilst alienating the adherents of an entire religion through intolerance and propaganda, at the same time as imprisoning large numbers of men without trial for years, and sending others around the world to be tortured for useless "intelligence" is going to result in a fair amount of scorn, yes.

There won't be a draft. Bush might be stupid, but he's surrounded by purely evil, greedy men. If they commit political suicide by installing a draft then they will lose the political power that allows them to generate such absurd sums of money for themselves. Large sections of the American citizenry might be blinded by jingoistic, patriotic hoopla, but if it actually came to donning the uniform and doing the fighting themselves, there'd be a very different story from a lot of them.
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