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Old 03-13-2017, 08:31 PM   #12 (permalink)
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As we go through the episodes I will add important or interesting terms here, so that if they come up in further episodes and anyone has forgotten what they are or what they mean, they can check back here. This will be listed in alphabetical format, but items only added as they occur.

(I think this may be quite large in the end so I'm going to reserve five posts for it, which I hope will be enough)

Direwolf: A very large and fierce wolf, seldom see as far south as Winterfell

Dothraki: A nomadic tribe of warriors who roam the Pentos steppelands, hunting and looting.

Dragon, the: Name taken by Viserys Targaryen in recognition of the fact that his father was known as the Dragon King.

Eyrie, the: Ancestral home of Jon Arryn. Upon his death, his widow Lysa seeks shelter there for herself and her son.

Hand of the King, the:
The man entrusted with the running of the kingdom, basically. If, as we are to believe from Yes Minister, the civil servants run the country while the ministers talk but do nothing, then the Hand of the King is the ultimate civil servant. With a sword. He is the king's voice, his will, his law and indeed his hand when he is not around to enforce the law.

House: A descriptor of any noble family – House Stark, House Baratheon etc

Iron Throne, the: The royal throne of the King of Westeros.

Khal: The Dothraki name for a warlord or warrior chieftain

Khaleesi: The concubine of a Khal, essentially his princess

King's Landing: Capital of Westeros, it is located in the south of the country, near the eastern coast. It is the seat of the ruler, where he holds court.

Narrow Sea, the: The sea that separates Westeros and Essos, to its east.

Night's Watch, the:
A band of men dedicated to keeping watch on the creatures beyond the Wall who might try to come through. A man joins the Night's Watch for life, giving up all his former ties. Men of the Night's Watch may not father children or marry, and they owe loyalty to their brothers alone.

Pentos: City in Essos where the marriage of Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drogo is brokered and takes place.

Raven: Bird used to convey messages between places. The phrase “there was a raven last night” indicates there was news from far away.

Ser: An honorific given to knights. Basically the same as “Sir”.

Wall, the: The huge barrier of ice that stands at the very edge of civilisation, in the far north of Westeros, and protects it from the creatures outside. It is manned by the Night's Watch.

The continent on which most of the action in the series takes place.

White walkers: Mythic creatures said to live outside the Wall, they are believed to be extinct for thousands of years.

Semi-civilised somewhat savage tribes who refuse to live in the cities and towns to the south of the Wall, and make their living instead beyond it, in the wild, inhospitable lands beyond.

Winterfell: Ancestral home of House Stark, it is in the far north.
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018

Last edited by Trollheart; 03-15-2017 at 03:28 PM.
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