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Old 03-17-2017, 12:28 PM   #220 (permalink)
Ol’ Qwerty Bastard
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right, yeah just because it's exaggerated doesn't make it a non-issue. a clear understanding of what consensual and non-consensual sex should be common knowledge for everyone.

it seems that whenever the topic comes up you either have conservatives who believe every woman to ever claim rape is a liar and people on the other side who will always side with the accuser. the reality is that both sides happen (albeit one much more than the other, that we can all agree on im sure) and it's clear that we need to have a better understanding as a society of what exactly constitutes sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment etc.

there's nothing wrong with what Ki said, although he could have certainly worded it better. you were just looking to start an argument to make him look like some sort of victim blamer.
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
I'm not even mad. Seriously I'm not. You're a good dude, and I think and hope you'll become something good
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