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Old 03-18-2017, 12:27 PM   #139 (permalink)
mayor of spookytown
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I am a cat person through and through-- I love how distinct their personalities are and their unpredictability-- though I love dogs equally.

I always find it hilarious when someone comments that cats are 'aloof' or independent, because every cat I have owned/befriended has been a whiny codependent baby (and only aloof perhaps 30% of the time). Actually I've only technically had five cats in my lifetime, but I've had many tomcat friends who used to live in my neighborhood who I named Charlie, Mr. Bennett and Timmy. (Charlie was a noisy fluffball who always followed me on my walks, Mr Bennett was white, old and always covered in dirt, and Timmy was fluffy and black, had bright golden eyes and had a tiny, raspy squeak of a meow. I think Timmy was the oldest-- the grandpa kitty. Pretty sure Charlie was his offspring. Once I spent christmas alone with Mr. Bennett; we watched a movie and it was a really pitiful sight, probably.)

I still miss my cat Henry horribly-- my mother gave him away several years ago after I moved to Louisiana without telling me. He was grey and had green eyes and was the #1 best kitty in the world. He liked to play fetch, and when you threw the mouse thingy he'd jump REALLY high in the air (oftentimes doing this sort of corkscrew-backflip) after it.
And my ex had three cats-- or, well, his mother did-- Skittles, Loki and Stevie. I miss them terribly as well. Stevie required that you let him lay directly on top of your chest while he kneaded you painfully roughly four times a day (he would whine otherwise.)

I don't have any cats at the moment, but I do want a dog-- I L O V E big giant dogs, and for whatever reason I also really love chihuahua+terrier mixes and chihuahua+cattle dog mixes. To torture myself, I regularly browse and bookmark all the doggies I want. Ideally I'd adopt an elderly one. I previously couldn't bring myself to get a dog because I never quite got over Jack (my wolf/german shepherd mix who adopted me when I was 12) getting hit by a car.

OK anyway I am sure that was riveting information for all of you!!!

Last edited by Chiomara; 03-18-2017 at 12:30 PM. Reason: typos due to cat excitement
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