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Old 03-28-2017, 04:57 AM   #9126 (permalink)
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So after a weekend with ME:A (among other things, but I had the time to sit down and enjoy this fully without distractions), here are my thoughts:
I have a deep love/hate relationship with this game.
- the planets are really pretty
- exploration in the Nomad is fun
- a robust skill/profile system
- combat got a lot better with the jump pack and dashes - adding verticality made it more challenging but also opened up a ton of tactical options
- the game seems really huge
- the bugs. Oh for the love of god, just how "alpha" is this game ? 5 years in development and they couldn't find any time to test it ? Though to be fair, in 20 or so hours the game crashed only once, so it's not as bad as it could have been
- lazy graphics. The planets are very pretty, but that's about it when it comes to good things. Character models and faces look like it's a huge step back from even ME:2, and that came out what, 8 years ago ? The new alien races look like nothing new. I could I guess understand that secondary characters have stupid facial animations, but .. they all have. My male Ryder runs around surprised, or at least that's the expression he has on his face. Out of the 8 or 10 face presets available, half seriously looked like they had some birth/genetic defects, only 2 didn't look ugly, only "meh".
- lazy development. For example, all Asari except for your companion have the same god damned face. Not similar, since they are aliens, it's the same
- lazy writing. There are good bits (won't spoil anything, don't worry) but most of the time it feels.. generic.
- tons of romance options, right ? This has been almost a defining feature of the series. So you're spoiled for choice if you like men or aliens, which is great. If you would like to romance within your own species, as a man, with a female.. there is no choice. Ok, maybe that's not true - you can choose not to romance at all, I guess. And the only human female love interest looks like a permanently constipated gym teacher.. Not a big complaint generally, but it grinds my gears

Now looking at all of the above, I am surprised at just how much fun I'm having, playing this. Really. It's just not an AAA title imo. And if you don't mind lowering the expectation bar a bit, it can be really satisfying.
So far I'd give this game a 7/10. Or maybe 6,5/10. Which is not bad and very playable, but it has more than just minor issues. If you don't mind waiting, I'd wait - most of the bugs should get patched eventually, though I'm afraid potato faces and stupid animations won't be, from what the devs say..
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