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Old 04-03-2017, 08:14 PM   #3666 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls View Post
Unless golfing is causing him to not do his job i really dgaf. And since none of us know, this is the dumbest ****ing attack i have ever seen on Obama and trump. You can only sign and read so many things before you have to wait for all the paperwork to go through the proper channels. Its not like he's golfing during a state of emergency. Seriously more bs to distract from issues that are important and the sheeple continuously eat it up. Gotta love drama, it protects us from having to cope and be adults. Theres nothing quite like creating solvable problems out of nothing to boost your ego with a sense of accomplishment.
^ You are of course perfectly entitled to dgaf, DWV, but why are you so dismissive of people who do gaf ?

I've already acknowledged that this is not the greatest problem the US is facing, but as Chula points out, Trump himself started the finger-pointing over Obama's conduct, so it's only fair if Trump's conduct is examined in a similar way. People on the public payroll should be held accountable. That means for what they do, what they say and how they spend their time. Same thing happens in the private sector, though there may be less scrutiny there. (If you fill shelves in Walmart, nobody cares what you do in your free time, but on the other hand, your clock-in time is monitored to the second.) Obviously the President's case is less clear-cut, but Trump's hours spent in Washington are suspiciously light (an average of only two days out of every three apparently), and it's not just "sheeple" or people who want protection "from having to cope and be adults" who are concerned that Trump is abusing his position.

On the healthcare bill, there was widespread criticism in the White House that Trump had not done his homework, which is why I've bolded your statement above. It gives the impression that the President's job is a linear sequence of read, sign, "wait for all the paperwork to go through", then presumably read, sign and wait for something else.

Well, I doubt that it's like that at all. I suspect it's more a case of a constant blizzard of complex issues, all of which should be explored in depth in order to arrive at an informed decision. That means a lot of homework all the time, and that's how it is how it is for most conscientious decision-makers I believe. (Mrs.Thatcher, for instance, was reputed to work until midnight, then get up at 4 a.m. to read and prepare for the day ahead.) She was an extreme case, but Trump could be a lot more diligent about his responsibities I'm sure. Instead of another round of golf, I wish that Trump would do a bit more homework on climate change for example - that might make him rethink his present policy of stomping on the environment for any short-term benefit he can squeeze out of it.

EDIT: Took me a long time to write the above, and I see that the discussion has moved on apace. Are Chula and I being whipped up by partisan media? Maybe to some extent, but the facts about his out-of-Washington trips seem pretty well documented. I'm surprised that more of you aren't offended that your (and/or your parents') hard-earned tax dollars are funding Trump's extravagant lifestyle.
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