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Old 04-07-2017, 08:33 AM   #3761 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Is there any doubt Assad has been killing his own citizens for a while now? I mean...Obama sought congressional approval for action back in 2013. It's not like the situation has improved. Something's got to be done.

Leave it to Trump to create an incredibly conflicting situation out of something I thought I had a pretty firm stance on. I support action in Syria - especially now since the rest of the world pretty much assumes we are useless under Trump. We need to show we are still a country that won't tolerate not just civil rights abuses but outright mass murder of a country's citizens. But taking action without congressional approval? Come ON...this is the same slippery slope we got on with Vietnam! And I still feel Johnson was infinitely more competent than Trump!

There's got to be some reason for this change. I highly doubt Trump saw pictures of dead kids and his heart went out to them. Sorry, buddy...if you had shown a shred of decency or compassion in the past year I may have bought it. Could this be because Trump has realized Bannon and Preibus have caused so much damage, it's time to throw the Dems a bone? Is he trying to establish a war so that people back off the Russia investigation (never good to have a wartime commander in chief that's under investigation)? Or is Trump so easily influenced by those his have his ear that we see extreme action like this out of the blue (looking at you, Kushner)?

I'm just so confused right now.
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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