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Old 04-13-2017, 09:35 AM   #3993 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
FDR authorized the development of the atomic bomb which ushered in the era of nuclear warfare and nuclear proliferation. He never mentioned the Holocaust in any public speech. Did not sign anti-lynching legislation. He sign Executive Order 9066 which lead to the forced relocation and incarceration of 110,000 Japanese into interment camps. Quite a legacy. Why, who would want to deny that?

Everyone knew what you meant. FDR made America great again, the way it was before before 1929. And FDR is responsible for American exceptionalism, by getting us out of the war. See FDR was the commander and chief of US armed forces that defeated the Nazis, thus consequently getting us out of the war. I apologize for mentioning the Allies, British Spies, and the restistance because that subtracts from American exceptionalism. FDR MAGA!
So who deserves to be recognized with an overall positive legacy to you, exactly?

FDR is recognized as a great president on both sides of the aisle. Much like democrats give republicans their Reagan legacy (even though he really screwed up more than he fixed), no one really trashes FDR. Again, I'm not going to even bother responding with details because your arguments have all the nuance of a 10 year old.

Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
So the US has two right-wing parties? I don't get that.

Bolded: yes they did of course. Japan were preparing for a full-fledged American invasion and readying their people to die for the emperor. Even after the first atom bomb was dropped they refused to surrender; it was only after the second one hit that they agreed. Yeah, really sounds to me like a country preparing to surrender.

Japanese troops rushing out with their hands up as Enola Gay flies overhead: "Don't do it! Don't do it! We surrender! We surre - Ah ****!"

Also, I said FDR won the war in the Pacific, if you remember.
That's not in doubt.
The military leaders of Japan wanted to continue the war, but the emperor wanted it to end. Before the bomb was dropped, he was hoping to negotiate a peaceful surrender. That was the whole point of the US insisting that the Soviet Union declare war on them. Truman decided he wanted to show off how big the US's dick was and went ahead and dropped the bomb, even though the war was all but over. This, combined with Truman backing out of a lot of the concessions made to the Soviet Union between Stalin and FDR, essentially started the Cold War.

Edit: Just saw Frownland talked about this.
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