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Thread: Midiflipping
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Old 05-12-2017, 09:10 PM   #6 (permalink)
Neward Thelman
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Join Date: May 2017
Location: The greater Chicago metropolitan area
Posts: 23
Default It's Called INVERSION

Hello Musically Uneducated Rockers:

The technique that causing you all of that amazement and astonishment is known as inversion. INVERSION.

It's been in use since before the 16th century, and it was frequently used during the Baroque - which is the music style that predominated during the 16 and 17th centuries [that'd be the 1500's and 1600's].

Some other common techniques used then and used now are retrograde motion, retrograde inversion, augmentation, diminution, and so on.

What's particularly sad is that YOU - people who grew up on rock and roll* and zero music education - are absolutely ignorant of these simple, elementary, kindergarden music techniques.

It's not completely your fault. Music education's been deleted from schools. Heck - I understand that they've now also deleted history and social studies from schools.

Not only do you folks here not know what inversion is, you probably don't know what the Civil War --- or the Cold War --- was. At least some of may've heard those terms - but you're not really sure what they mean.

What you're really, really good at is tech.

And - texting - tattoos, loud motorcycles, multiple dogs, piercings -----

*To be clear - the phrase "rock and roll" includes all of it's vile forms, from cowntry to cRap to techno to hard rock to harder rock to still harder rock to soft rock to medium rock, etc. etc.
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