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Old 05-19-2017, 08:10 PM   #9204 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

This is pretty much the antithesis of what I normally play, it being an MMO-Survival Battle Royale in Early Access, but I'll be damned if it doesn't have that addictive quality that kept me coming back to Counter-Strike like an abused spouse all those years ago.

The concept of this game is quite simple, it's a 100 player all-out battle royale on an 8kmx8km island where you start out with nothing. You begin each match in a plane which you parachute out of. You have to carefully choose your location because there are certain areas that are incredibly popular so if you jump out too early you run the risk of getting killed early on, but there are consequences for waiting too long (more on that in a minute). Once you hit the ground you have to rush for the nearest building to grab whatever supplies they hold, and hope you get a weapon before someone else who parachuted near you does. From there you basically search the map, but you have to be quick because a force field starts to envelop the map to encourage players to continue moving. As the game progresses, these areas become smaller and smaller, so if you parachuted out too late, it means you have less time to find loot and better gear, as you are constantly rushing to get to the new area before the force field appears and kills you if you aren't in it.

Let me tell you, when you are down to the last 30 or so players things get incredibly intense. The size of the map is considerably smaller and while you may occasional glimpse other players in the distance, they are usually too far away to attack without giving your position away.

Right now my only complaint is that it doesn't run particularly well. I have to 1070's in SLI and I can't maintain 60FPS to save my life, even after editing some the game config files, however it's to be expected with games in early access. If multiplayer shooters are your jam, this is definitely a game to check out as it's just different enough to make it stand out in the slew of multiplayer survival games.
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